Sister Antionette Brooks
Antoinette was born to Benny and Carmella Gaston on July 23. She graduated from high school and the central technical nursing school in 1990. In October of 1996 she married Kevin Brooks, both of Syracuse, New York, in Holy Matrimony. She has two daughters Britney and Benisha, one son in law and one future son in law, one grandson “Jayquon” and a granddaughter on the way! She has a degree in Physicians Management and Health Sciences, has been a Licensed Notary in the State of Georgia over a decade and a 5th degree Black Belt in Martial Arts. She is currently working on her BSN and is in her third year in Theological Studies. She is a proud member of Words of Faith AME in Mableton, GA.
Sister Renee Wilson
Renee retired as a Supervising United States Probation Officer in the Atlanta office in 2013. She started her career with Cobb County Pretrial Services in Marietta, Georgia, where she worked for seven years. During her tenure with Cobb Conty Pretrial Services, Renee worked as a line officer and was promoted to supervisor before accepting a position with United States Probation and Pretrial Services. During her career with United States Probation and Pretrial Services, Renee was promoted to Specialist and later to Supervising United States Probation Officer, where she was in charge of the Pretrial Unit. Renee earned a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Psychology from the University of West Georgia College, and a Master of Public Administration from Troy State University. Renee stays very active during her retirement years. She loves spending quality time with her four grandchildren. She occasionally works security details as a security liaison with Moore and Associates. She is an active member of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. She is a member of ALTA, Atlanta Lawn Tennis Association, and plays on a senior women’s tennis team.
Reverend Larry J. Lockett, Jr
We are abundantly blessed and deeply honored to have Reverend Larry J. Lockett, Jr. and First Lady Davida J. Lockett as the Senior Pastors of Words of Faith AME Church! With hearts full of excitement and gratitude, we give thanks for the mighty work that God is doing in our midst through their leadership—not only within the sacred walls of our Church but throughout our community. Reverend and First Lady Lockett warmly invite you to learn more about their calling and join us in following the divine will as we carry God’s message into the world, sharing the boundless love of Jesus with everyone we meet.
Reverend Darryl E. Miller
Reverend Darryl E. Miller serves as a church musician at Words of Faith. He accompanies the church choir each Sunday with his SOULful bass and serves as the church DJ on special occasions. Reverend Miller heads up the Seniors Ministry and drives the seniors to different venues for their activities. In addition to his duties as a regular van driver, he often volunteers to drive the van for other church excursions.
He is an associate member of the Women’s Missionary Society and he also teaches Junior High Bible Study. When called on to preach, he employs common sense wisdom, steeped in the Word, to deliver short, succinct sermons to which all in his audience can relate.
Reverend Lisa C. McKinney
Reverend Lisa C. McKinney serves as the Youth Minister at Words of Faith. “Rev Lisa” is known for her spirited sermons to the congregation, and she also “keeps it real” as she relates God’s word to the youth in Children’s Church.
She loves the young people and desires to prepare them for God’s kingdom as well as for their lives in this world—she can often be seen putting what she preaches into practice by individually admonishing her young charges to behave in a manner that shows respect for God’s house and His services.
Reverend Dr. Stella D. Stocker
Reverend Dr. Stella D. Stocker has pastored 4 different churches and brings a wealth of experience to the Words of Faith congregation. Prior to coming to Words of Faith, Dr. Stocker, as she is affectionately referred to, was tasked by Bishop Z.L. Grady to establish a school at Daniel Payne College to train ministers. She lends her expertise in the Word to any class or bible study she attends, and she is a willing reference for those preparing sermons or just having questions about the Holy Scriptures. Dr. Stocker also conducts the New Members Class at Words of Faith.
Sister Francille McCrary
Sister Francille D. McCrary serves as Financial Secretary for Words of Faith. In that capacity, she monitors all church financial transactions, ensures all bills are paid in a timely manner, and balances the books. “Do it as unto the Lord” seems to be her mantra as she willingly does whatever it takes to ensure that church financial processes flow smoothly, not concerning herself with who has responsibility for a given task. Sister McCrary also serves as a Senior Usher and co-chairs meal planning and preparation for church special events. She is a past member of the Trustee Board, Finance Committee, and Young People’s Division, and she previously served as the Church Secretary.
Brother Joel Callins
Music Minister Joel Callins has overall responsibility for the music programs at Words of Faith. He coordinates song selections, choir selection, and instrumental accompaniment each Sunday and on special occasions. The Joel Callins Mass Choir bears his name in recognition of his contributions to Words of Faith. The mass choir, along with the Men’s Chorus and the Youth Choirs have flourished under his leadership, and they provide inspiration and foster worship for the Words of Faith congregation.